Saturday 26 April 2014

Training Your Cats I - Positive Reinforcement

When it comes to behavior, some cats are naturally 'purrfect' while others have a little more tiger in them. Whether your cat bites your hand, plays in the middle of the night or climbs your leg while you prepare dinner, such antics require behavior modification. There are various techniques that can be used to encourage more acceptable behavior is your cat. You can even take it further and train them to perform simple tricks and agility maneuvers.
Talking about cat's behaviors, I am blessed that both Kusky and Kurimu are well behave kitty. Especially Kusky, he will sit quietly at a side to wait for his dinner to be prepared. He never show any interest in human food. He is such a well behave boy. While for Kurimu, he does not create big trouble to us as well. He only likes to take a sniff at our food, trying to find out what we are eating. Most of the time he will just walked away without tasting. One major issue that Kurimu always create is: he likes to meow loudly and wake us up if he wakes up much earlier than anyone of us! 

Going back to the topic about training cats, cats are not dogs. The training techniques that work well with our canine friends are not especially effective with our feline psyche. Cats work best when rewarded with treats, so discover a food that your cat responds to as a reward. It may be a cat treat, a sliver of cooked meat or a tiny taste of chicken baby food. Of course, do not ruin their properly balanced diet. Once your cat performs the task requested, reward it with both a treat and a praise. 

Your should never hit your cat as punishment, but there are other forms of discipline that are effective. A spritz of water from a spray bottle or water pistol will often discourage unwanted behaviors. The key is to not let the cat realize the spray come from you. In closer quarters, blowing in the cat's face can be an effective deterrent. The puff strength, number and duration to best fit the cat and the behavior. Loud clapping, rattling cans, imitating a cat's hiss or a blast from an air horn are also effective deterrents with some felines. 

Friday 25 April 2014

Cats' Facinating Facts

Feeding dog food to a cat can cause blindness. Dog food is lacked of taurine, a nutrient essential for cat's health. Taurine keeps their hearts healthy and their eyesight sharp. 


Wednesday 23 April 2014

Feeding Your Cat II

Life Stage Diets
Choose a food that is made to meet the specific nutritional requirements for the stage of life of your cat. Kittens have higher nutritional demands needed to develop and grow. As a cat enters its golden years, it can suffer from age-related problems including a weaker immune system, less efficient digestive system, decreasing senses of smell and taste, arthritis and urinary problems. Senior cats may benefits from a diet lower in phosphorus and with a moderate level of fiber to help prevent constipation and cat foods for older cats are often formulated to stimulate the senior cats' appetite.

Lifestyle Diets
Cats that go outdoors may need a food higher in protein and calories than cats living exclusively indoors. Some studies suggest as many as one but out of 4 pet cats are overweight. Commercial foods are available with reduced fat content and high protein levels that help the obese feline lose weight without losing muscle mass. 

Special Diets
There are different cat foods specifically for felines with food allergies, sensitive stomach, heart or urinary problems, dental disease and coat or skin problems. Hairballs can cause vomiting and diarrhea, but specially formulated food helps improve digestion and movement is the intestines. Foods are available to meet the nutritional needs of specific breeds of cats, including Persians, Maine Coons and Siamese. There are even cat foods that claim to reduce the amount of stool and its door.

Home Made Diets
Some cats owners believe in homemade or raw meat diets. Care must be used if preparing homemade meals for your cats. While you can easily control the quantity of ingredients, you can never be entirely sure if its nutritional balance. Home-prepared food is usually more expensive than commercial, perishable and time consuming to prepare.

Supplements, Treats and Table Scraps
If you are feeding a good quality food, it is not necessary to add a supplement. An occasional treat from your plate shouldn't hurt, as long as it does not take the place of a cat's normal food. Several human foods are very toxic or dangerous to cats. Never feed pork, chocolate, onions, green tomatoes, raw yolk, raw potatoes, grapes, raisins, bones or dog food to your cats, just to name a few.

Your cat should always have access to fresh water. Water bowls should be cleaned and refilled daily. Contrary to popular opinion, cow's milk is not good for cats. Not only it is difficult for a cat to digest, it often causes diarrhea.  

I would like to suggest this website to all cat owners and cat lovers. It teaches us on the right way to feed the feline friends: 


Tuesday 22 April 2014

Kusky (226) - Stunning Eyes

Kusky has the habit of starring at people. If you call his name, he will then slowly blink his eyes to you. After sometimes he will either close his eyes or look away. 

I like his greenish-yellowish eyes! Look at him in this picture! He looks fierce, cool, smart and wise!

Monday 21 April 2014

Sunday 20 April 2014

Kurimu (224) - In the Green Pail

This green pail was bought purposely for Kusky as he likes to hide himself in boxes and another smaller square plastic container. However Kusky doesn't like this green pail, it was leave unattended until one day I accidentally saw Kurimu was sitting inside the green pail comfortably...

CUTE to the max!

Saturday 19 April 2014

Feeding Your Cat I

Good nutrition is the foundation of raising a healthy cat. Cats are carnivores, however an all-meat diet is not balanced. In the wild, when a cat captures a mouse, it consumes everything that is edible - flesh, organs, bones and entrails. Because the mouse is herbivorous (plant-eater), when the cat eats the stomach and intestine that contain seeds and plants, it receives the trace elements and vitamins needed for a nutritionally balanced diet.

Commercial cat foods are specially formulated to provide the cat's complete nutrition. The foods are standardized, convenient and less expensive than preparing homemade diets. The main advantage of feeding a commercial food is the assurance that the cat is eating a balanced diet that includes all the elements necessary for proper growth and development, provided it is a trust-able premium or medium range processed food.

An adult cat requires around 50 calories per 1 lb (450g) of weight per day. A very active feline may need more; a less active cat requires less. Most adult cats seem to thrive on either self feeding or being fed two meals a day. A cat's general appearance is a good indicator of whether its diet is satisfactory. A well-fed cat has good weight, a shiny coat, bright eyes and appears happy and content. Signs of poor nutrition include low body weight, dry coat, flaky skin, dull eyes, bad breath and strong smelling stools.

Changing Food
It is best to feed the new kitten the food it has been eating. If the kitten is purchased from a breeder, ask for their feeding recommendations and schedule. Once the kitten is settled in its new home, you may investigate other feeding options. A new food may initially upset the kitten's digestive system, so any change should be introduced in stages. Mix the new food in with the old in steadily increasing proportions over the course of a week. A slow transition avoids the risk of the kitten developing diarrhea. The best food in the world is no good if your cat will not eat it. so palatability is a critical component in choosing any food. 

Dry, Canned or Semi-Moist?
With the wide selection of commercial cat foods available on the market today, it can be a challenge selecting the type and brand that best meets your cat's nutritional needs. Cat food comes in 3 basic types: dry kibble, canned food, or semi-moist foods in pouches. 

Dry foods are relatively inexpensive, convenient and have the advantage of remaining fresh in the bowl all day, allowing the cat to feed freely. This is especially useful for kittens that eat multiple meals in small servings throughout the day. Dry food should be stored in a cool, dry place, either in the closed original bag or a container with an airtight lid to keep it fresh. There is some evidence that crunching on hard kibbles helps reduce tartar build up. Dry foods usually contain 8-10% water compared to 80% water in canned food, so cats fed dry food often drink more water.

Canned food and semi-moist food may be tastier than dry food but will spoil if not eaten immediately. Care should be taken to offer only as much food as the cat will finish in a single meal. Canned food should be refrigerated once opened and any leftover wet food should be thrown our after each meal.

Protein Content
Cats are obligate carnivores, which mean they need to eat a food with high protein content from meat, poultry or fish. The breeding cat's diet should be 30-40% protein, while neutered cats need around 25 percent. Pet food labels list their ingredients on the label. Look for the first ingredient to be a species-specific protein such as chicken, beef or fish. Do not be misled by the phrase 'meat by products'. By-product refers to heads, feet, feathers, entrails etc. and are not a high quality protein source.

Premium or Economy
Because a food is expensive does not mean it is necessarily better for your cat. Many mid-priced foods have good nutritional profiles. Some economy brands of cat food, however, are made from inexpensive ingredients not good enough for human consumption and not easily digested. If a food is difficult to digest, you may have to feed more if it for your cat to receive the same nutritional value as feeding less of a higher quality food.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Poisonous Cat Food

I am not sure how reliable this report is, it was reported 11 brands of cat food and dog food contain poisonous ingredients that may affect pets' health. 7 brands contain ingredient that may cause liver cancer and another 4 may cause kidney failure if consuming in long term.

I am not able to translate the entire article. For those who know how to read Chinese, you may log on this this website to read more detail information.


Wednesday 16 April 2014

Kurimu (222) - My Darling

I went through all my photos in my hard disk drive and found out that I still have many photos taken from my h/p that are not uploaded. Found these series of photos taken with Kurimu in July 2013, he was just a 6 months old kitten. 

He was skinny and now he is so healthy and fit!

One... Two... Three... Say Cheese!

Kurimu automatically put his arm on mine. He hug me! :)

Monday 14 April 2014

Kusky & Kurimu (221) - Best Friend Ever

Kusky and Kurimu's relationship is not just merely friends, but they are best friends, and best brother too! They play together, catch grasshopper together, watch flying birdie together, explore new areas together.... 

Let's cherish for their Friendship and Brotherhood forever!

They often stand near the window together....

Watch other stray cats behind our house together....
I even suspect they both fall in love with the same B&W female cat that always loiterer behind our house....

They turn their head and watch the movement together...

Saturday 12 April 2014

Kusky & Kurimu (220) - Deep Sleep

Kurimu put his head in between Kusky's hind legs... It's rare to see Kusky allowed Kurimu to sleep so near to him. Kusky must be really in deep sleep...

So sweet!

 Posted like a jumping rabbit!

 Kurimu is getting very huge now aday....

 In deep sleep... total unconscious...

Thursday 10 April 2014

Kurimu (219) - Toe Licking Good

This time Kurimu was caught cleaning himself next to my track mail. Look at the way he sat and the way he cleaned himself!

He likes to lyn on his back like this. Always, especially when he is on my bed.

He started to do toe cleaning. Cats often bite off pealed nail from their toes. Kurimu was pulling and moving the pealed nail his right foot.

Looked like he is 'eating' and 'enjoying' his own foot... so much!

After the hard biting, now lick-lick!

And continue biting again!


He is seriously into his job!

Most of the time I helped them to peal off nail skin. 


Tuesday 8 April 2014

Kurimu (218) - The Best Accompany

Kurimu is a very sweet boy. He accompanies me where ever I go, what ever I do. 

The other day I bought fresh Salmon for both of them. Kurimu accompanied me in the entire process while I was cleaning the fish. He just sat quietly beside the sink and watched me doing my work.   

He is such a sweet and lovely boy! I love him more and more now!

Best view with at least 360p.

Sunday 6 April 2014

1st Melaka Cat Expo (Day 2) on 30th March 2014

 What a beautiful Sphynx cat!


I always like to see the sexy spots of Bengel!

 This little poor muchkins kept on meowing non-stop. He must be very terrified!

The percentage of success rate in producing munchkin kittens is 50%. A munchkin papa carries the gene Mm (M-munchkin; m-normal) and a munchkin mama also carries the gene Mm, may produce the following baby: MM, Mm, mM, mm. MM will not survive; Mm or mM will appear to be munchkin kittens, while mm will be a normal cat with ordinary long legs. Although Munchkin is cute, I personally think this breed should not be encouraged to mass breed. Not only that one out of every 4 kitten will die because of the genetically problem, Munchkin may also develop spine problem.

 I see this lovely face again!

'Spotty' cat! 

 Not sure what kind of breed is this, looks a bit like Egyptian Mau, a bit like Ocicat... but more like Oriental (the triangular shape head). Perhaps someone could tell me what breed is this.

 This is the gorgeous British Short Haired I have ever seen! Some more it's in blue, the iconic color of BSH!

 What a baby!


 Another gorgeous big cat - Maine Coon! I think his name is Casper!