Sunday 24 August 2014

Kusky & Zafiro (261) - Building Trust

Like human beings, cats need a lot of trust to get along with each other or with other species. Trust doesn't built immediately, it is developed over time, through lots of understanding and interactions. 

Zafiro tried hard to gain acceptance from Kusky. He rub his head on Kusky, run to him and sit calmly to allow Kusky to put his palm on his forehead. Zafiro is trying to send messages like: I am submissive, I surrender, I am not dominant, I want to make friend... After a few tries, Kusky gradually accept Zafiro as a family member, play with him and even share food with him or nap with him.

Zafiro's hard work finally paid off! And now... since Kusky already accepted him, Zafiro takes turn to be the bully kitty bullying his big bro Kusky.... @@

Zafiro was stretching his neck and putting his forehead to Kusky, hoping Kusky could help to lick him...

Unfortunately Zafiro's first attempt didn't work....

Zafiro then sat quietly and kept a comfortable social distance from Kusky... 

 So cute two of them!! :)

 Zafiro wanted to try again....

 But he lost his courage... Kusky then decided to turn and look at Zafiro...

 This time Kusky sniff Zafiro's feet first. Kusky took the initiative to bridge the relationship!

 Without a second... Zafiro quickly took the opportunity and put his head on Kusky! Zafiro is an opportunist! He knows when to take action!! In the end, Kusky really licked Zafiro's forehead for a few minutes!

See! Zafiro is asking for attention again!

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