Friday 12 July 2013

Cat's Coat

Like claws, hair is composed of keratin. Each hair follicle can grow a single hair. A kitten is born with all the hair follicle it will ever possess. Most cats have 4 basic types of hairs:
- guard
- awn
- down hair
- vibrissae

The average adult cat has around 1,000 down hairs for every 300 awn hairs and 20 guard hairs, although the ratio can differ by age and breed. Newborn kittens lack primary guard hairs, which is why their coats are short and soft. Cat hair cling to clothes because it is electrostatic, the guard hairs have small bards and because the awn hairs have cracked cuticles.

Guard Hairs
The guard hairs make up most of the outer topcoat of the cat. The are slender, taper toward the tip, and are longer and thicker than the down or awn hairs. Guard hairs protect the undercoat and act as a 'waterproof jacket'. The cuticles on guard hairs have microscopic barbs that are very rough. 

Awn Hairs
The awn hairs make up the middle coat of the cat. These are intermediate size hairs with rough, broken or cracked cuticles. They provide insulation and protect the down hairs underneath. 

Down Hairs
The down hairs are the hairs closest to the skin and form the cat's undercoat. They are the shortest, finest and softest hairs. Like feather comforter, the down hairs keep the cat warm because they have microscopic crimps or waves that trap air, making them such good insulators. 

Vibrissae Hairs
Vibrissae hairs are thick, specialized hairs that are very sensitive to touch. The most apparent vibrissae hairs on the cat are its 24 whiskers, arranged in 4 rows on each side of the muzzle. Whiskers are more than twice as thick as ordinary hairs and their roots are set 3 times deeper in a cat's tissue. Vibrissae are also found on the upper lips, cheeks, above the eyes, wrists and forelegs. 
Whiskers provide sensory information about the slightest air movement. The whiskers act as valuable tool for a nocturnal hunter. Cats use their whiskers in the dark to identify things they can't see or to navigate through underbrush.

The vibrissae hairs on their forelegs play it's function as a fall measurement. When cats fall from high places, the vibrissae hairs will vibrate and that gives cats a sensory measurement about how far they are from the ground. 

Kusky is a mixed ASH. He has very think guard hairs, awn hairs and down hairs. Especially down hairs, it's so thick that always make him wanting to stay directly under the air-conditioner. Compare to Kusky, Kurimu prefers to stay under the blanket when the air-conditioner is on. Kusky shed a lot. Although he is a short hair breed, I have to comb him every 2 days to avoid too much shedding in the house.

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