Tuesday 9 July 2013

How Cats Relate to Luck

In some culture and society, cats are considered as a an unlucky animal. Yet, there are also culture that sees cats will bring fortune. 

There are many legends associated with cats and good luck:
1. In Yorkshire England, it is lucky to own a black cat.
2. In early 1500s a visitor to an English home would kiss the family cat to bring good luck.
3. The Celts throught black cats were reincarnated brings able to divine the future.
4. Scottish believed a strange black cat on the porch brings prosperity.
5. Charles I - King of England owned a black cat that he felt brought him luck and had it guarded day and night. The day after the cat died, he was arrested. 
6. In England, it was believed that if a black cat lived in the house, the daughters would have plenty of suitors.
7. Also in England, it is considerate as good luck if a black cat is crossing your path.
8. Early Americans believe if cat washed her face, the first person she looked at would be the first to get marry.
9. Dutch place a cat in the cradle of a newlywed couple in the belief that she will grant their wish for a child. 
10. French peasants thought that if you released a black cat at a junction that connects to five roads, the cat will lead you to treasure.
11. French also believed if you are able to find a white hair on a total black cat, Lady Luck will smile upon you.

Some society also believe cats bring bad luck, especially black cats:
1. American it is bad luck to have a cat cross your path.
2. Some English believed that seeing a white cat on their way to school will definitely bring them trouble in school later.
3. Frech believed it is bad luck to carry a cat across the stream. 
4. Some society believe it is bad luck to see a white cat at night.
5. It is believed that cats could steal  both a baby's breath or steal a dead person's soul.
6. Chinese believed cats could resurrect a dead body if a black cat happened to jump over it.

Well, no matter how many statements people commented regarding how cats could bring bad luck, a true cat lover will not border to believe any of them. Agree? :)


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