Monday 6 January 2014

Cats' Personality

There are a few simple tests you can perform to gain insight into your kitten's personality.

Testing for Socialization
Observe your kitten. A well socialized kitten will watch you, follow you, play with your feet and make eye contact. A badly socialized kitten may hide from you or run away when you approach. If your kitten acts afraid of you, you will need to begin the socialization process over again. Spend plenty of time playing with the kitten, hand feeding it, gaining its trust.

The Toy Test
Roll a small ball in front of the kitten and see whether it chases it or ignores it to test how well it reacts to things in its environment.

Testing for Dominance
Roll the kitten on its back and gently stroke its stomach. If the kitten allows and enjoys the massage, it has learned to accept parental authority. If it struggles and resists, it is trying to be dominant.

The Noise Test
Stand a small distance behind your kitten. When it is not looking, clap your hands loudly for a few times. If the kitten turn to you and comes to investigate, it is confident. If it runs away, it has not been brought up to accept new noises and sensations.

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